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Record 12 of 34
Date: 15-Sep-2007
Time: 9 am to 3 pm
EventName: Woodland Park Zoo Backyard Habitat Workshop
EventType: Workshop
Description: Would you like to attract wildlife to your backyard, schoolyard or community garden? Please join Woodland Park Zoo, the National Wildlife Federation, Seattle Audubon and Washington Native Plant Society for a three-part workshop on creating a backyard wildlife habitat. Meet plant and animal experts and get hands-on experience that illustrate how to: attract birds, butterflies and other wildlife to your backyard; select and care for native plants; recognize and remove invasive plant species; conserve water; maintain your backyard without the use of chemical herbicides and pesticides; place feeders and bird houses; and have your backyard certified as a backyard habitat.

$55 fee ($100 per couple) covers workshop materials and snacks. For more information or to register for a workshop, please contact Jenny Mears at or 206.615.1027 or download an application and fax to 206.233.2663.
City: Seattle, WA
Location: Woodland Park Zoo
Age: Secondary school, Adult
Price: $55
Restrictions: Age 12 and up.
Contact: Jenny Mears
Phone: 206.615.1027