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Record 7 of 34
Date: 14-Dec-2004
Time: 8:00 - 4:30
EventName: Recycling Organics for the Green Environment
EventType: Meeting
Description: Washington Organic Recycling Council presents a day long seminar "Recycling Organics for the Green Environment". The benefits of organics recycling experienced by a variety of end users will be introduced by Jean Schwab, US EPA GreenScapes Program Manager from Washington D.C. Jean will present the latest information on federal programs supporting use of recycled organics in environmentally beneficial landscaping. Elaine Somers from our Seattle-based Region 10 EPA Office will discuss what is happening locally. Dr. Sally Brown from the University of Washington will present on how recycled organics play a vital role in remediation of contaminated soils. We will learn about the important benefits that recycled organics provide to the golf course, horticulture, and landscaping industries, and discuss with these industry representatives how we can work together to help them use recycled organic products and together promote organics recycling.
City: Olympia, WA
Location: The Long House at The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington.
Age: Adult
Price: $125
Restrictions: No Restrictions. Public Welcome
WORC members $75 Non-members $125 Includes lunch and two coffe breaks
See for registration brochure
Contact: Connie Allison
Phone: (360) 556-3926